The University of Toronto, in collaboration with the Encyclopaedia Iranica Foundation (EIF), is publishing Women Poets Iranica, an integrative encyclopedia of postclassical, modern, and contemporary women poets. Informed by several decades of transdisciplinary recuperative research in Persian literary studies, Poets Iranica provides literary- historical articles on female poets and their poetic agency, imagination, tropes, narratives, and lives and the provenance and literary significance of their poetry. As a digital encyclopedia, Poets Iranica is an academic reconceptualization of women poets’ biographical dictionaries (tazkirah), which began with the mid-sixteenth century Javahir al-‘Ajayib (Jewels of Wonder) of Fakhri Haravi. Written by experts in Persian literary history and its cognate fields, and intended for the diverse needs of students, teachers, researchers, and the educated public, the well-documented articles in Women Poets Iranica will be prepared following the highest standards of historical accuracy, reliability and citation in the humanities and social sciences.
Women Poets Iranica:
A Digital Research Compendium
Encyclopaedia Iranica Foundation
The Encyclopaedia Iranica Foundation was established in 1990 to guarantee the Encyclopædia Iranica‘s intellectual independence and ensure its ongoing publication both in digital and print versions. In addition to Encyclopedia Iranica, EIF publishes Cinema Iranica and Women Poets Iranica.