Field of Interest:
Zhinia Noorian
I received my PhD in Persian and Iranian Studies from Utrecht University in 2022. My PhD dissertation is published as a book by LUP under the title, Parvīn Iᶜtiṣāmī in the Literary and Religious Context of Twentieth-Century Iran. I am currently a postdoctoral researcher for the ERC Advanced Grant, Beyond Sharia: The Role of Sufism in Shaping Islam, in the department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Utrecht University. My focus is on the concept of femininity and gender transgression within the antinomian Sufi paradigm of Qalandariyya.

Her Life in Shiraz Jahān was an Injuid princess, and daughter of the ruler of Shiraz, Masʿūd Shāh (r. 736/1336-739/1339).1The…

Parvīn Iʿtisāmī’s Dīvān contains a short poem in which she explicitly states that “Parvīn is not a man”: The heart…