Field of Interest:
Maryam Hosseini
Maryam Hosseini, is the emeritus professor of Alzahra University in Tehran. Her academic journey began with undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral studies at the University of Tehran, where her doctoral dissertation, titled Critical Edition of Hadīqat al-haqīqa wa sharīʿat al-tarīqa of medieval Persian Sufi poet Sanaʾi was supervised by the renowned scholar Dr. Mohammad-Reza Shafiʿi-Kadkani.
Since then, Dr. Hosseini has made significant contributions to the fields of mystical literature, contemporary literature, and women’s literature. She has published 16 books to date. Her critical edition of Hadiqa by Sanaʾi received the Commendation Award for Book of the Year, while her work Maktabhā-yi adabī-yi jahān (World literary schools) won the Parvin Iʿtisami Award. Her critical edition of Maqāmāt-i Bulgharī earned the Tabriz Book of the Year Award.
Hosseini has been recognized multiple times as a distinguished researcher and was honored with the title of National Exemplary Professor. In 2022, she received the prestigious Alborz Award, presented to leading scholars in Iran. Her book Rīshahā-yi zan-sitīzī dar adabiyāt-i kilāsīk-i Fārsī (The roots of misogyny in classical Persian literature) published by Chishmah Publishing has reached its fifth edition. She has authored over 200 scholarly articles in various academic journals.
Hosseini has served as the academic chair for several national and international conferences and held the presidency of the Iranian Association of Literary Criticism during a three-year term (2015–2018). She is an editorial board member of several scholarly journals and was editor-in-chief of the Quarterly Journal of Book Review: Literature and Arts from 2018 to 2020. Currently, she serves as editor-in-chief of the Journal of Mystical Literature at Alzahra University.
In 2024, Hosseini was inducted as an associate member of the Academy of Persian Language and Literature.

Introduction Maymanat Zulqadr (Mīrsādiqī) (b. 1316/1937) is a prominent and well-known contemporary poet. For a period in her career, she…