Field of Interest:
Ali Khanmohammadi
Ali Khanmohammadi is a PhD candidate in Cultural Sociology at Allameh Tabataba’i University in Iran. He was the top student at Allameh Tabataba’i University in 2014. Ali has conducted a number of studies in the areas of memory and trauma, the sociology of art, and cultural history in Iran. His latest article, “Assyrian Cultural History: From Politics of Memory to Politics of the Archive: A Case Study of the Cultural Trauma of World War I,” was published in the Sociological Review. His most recent presentation, “Bagh-e Sangi: The Consequences of Social-Colonial Reform Programs,” was delivered at the “Arab-Majority and Muslim-Majority Worlds in/and Contemporary Decolonisation Debates” conference at the University of Edinburgh in 2023. He is a member of the Iranian Sociological Association and the Iranian Association for Cultural and Communication Studies.

Introduction Shukūh Qāsimniyā, whose original name is Fātimah Hamadānī Qāsimniyā, is an Iranian author of children’s fiction and poetry who…