Field of Interest:
Kamyar Abedi
Kamyar Abedi, a freelance Iranian researcher and literary critic, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Persian Language and Literature and a Master’s degree in the History of Iran. His career, spanning two decades from 1990 to 2010, is marked by a diverse range of academic and research pursuits. Abedi has contributed significantly in various capacities: as an educator in esteemed high schools, an editor at Nādir Publication, and a deputy editor collaborating with Dr. Islāmī Nudūshan at Hastī Journal. His research endeavours at the Farhangistān-i Zabān va Adab-i Fārsī (Academy of Persian Language and Literature) are particularly noteworthy.
Abedi has also made notable contributions within Iran, lecturing on Persian literature at the esteemed Dihkhudā Institution and internationally at Osaka University. Since the late 1980s, Abedi has devoted his research to contemporary Persian poetry, employing a historical lens. This dedicated focus has culminated in an impressive array of publications, including 40 books and approximately 300 scholarly articles in various journals and encyclopedias.
Among his notable works, seven stand out, each marking a distinct period of his prolific career. These include “Az muṣāḥibat-i āftāb” (In the Companionship of the Sun) in 1996, a profound exploration of Sohrab Sepehri’s work; “Ba raġm-i panǧaraha-i basta” (Against the Closed Shutters) in 2001, delving into women’s poetry; “Shāʻirī az diyār-i Āz̲arʹābādigān” (A Poet from Azarabadegan) in 2009, a study on Raʻdī Āz̲arakhshī; “Jidāl bā Saʻdī dar ʻaṣr-i tajaddud” (Contesting Saadi in the Modern Era) in 2012; “Muqaddamahʹī bar shiʻr-i Fārsī dar sadah-ʼi bīstum-i Mīlādī” (Prelude to Persian Poetry in the Twentieth Century.) in 2015; “Ṣad sāl shiʻr-i zanān-i Īrān (1299-1399) : muntakhab-i shiʻr-i āzād, nīmāyī va sipīd” (100 Years of Iranian Women’s Poetry: A Selection of Free Verse & Prose Poem) in 2021; and “Marva Nabili: Shāʻir va sīnimāgar” (Marva Nabili: Poet and Cinematographer) in 2023.

Mārtā Nabīlī, more widely recognized as Marvā Nabīlī, was born on Farvardin 11, 1320/April 1, 1941 in Tehran. Her father,…